No Man's Bleep

In which I tell Hello Games what's what.

Just about the most anticipated computer game of last year, No Man’s Sky was notable for the algorithmically-generated galaxy in which it’s set - trillions of planets, all unique. It’s awe-inspiring. Unique creatures roam among unique plants and rocks on unique landforms, but when you land your nearly-unique starship at a rather familiar-looking trading station, the trading terminal is exactly the same as all the others.

A first synth with Csound and Cabbage

In which Csound newbies learn to put together a little synthesizer.

What are Csound and Cabbage? Csound is a computer music composition system. It turns 30 this year (2016), which makes it a veteran in technology terms: 1986 was the year of the Nintendo Entertainment System, if that helps. It predates the 486 processor, the World Wide Web, Linux, SMS, Java, and mobile phones smaller than a brick. But Csound has continued to evolve, and is still in active development and use.