Csound on Stack Exchange

In which Csound might just get a Q&A site.

Wouldn’t it be nice… …if there were an equivalent of Stack Overflow, the popular and tremendously useful programming question-and-answer site, for Csound? That’s what these guys are proposing. I’ve put my name to it (the 7th supporter - never let it be said I’m not an early adopter), but I’m not convinced it’s got the momentum to take off. After all, there is already Stack Overflow itself, which has all of 19 questions tagged “csound”.

A first synth with Csound and Cabbage

In which Csound newbies learn to put together a little synthesizer.

What are Csound and Cabbage? Csound is a computer music composition system. It turns 30 this year (2016), which makes it a veteran in technology terms: 1986 was the year of the Nintendo Entertainment System, if that helps. It predates the 486 processor, the World Wide Web, Linux, SMS, Java, and mobile phones smaller than a brick. But Csound has continued to evolve, and is still in active development and use.